Free and Open to the Public!
Saturday, October 7th
Sowl Trailhead, 3547 North Shore Road
Join us as we explore the North End Forest of Madeline Island. The North End is pristine forest with stands of old hemlock, oak and an abundance of mushrooms. We will start the hike at the new Sowl Trailhead. The trails are rustic so good hiking boots (waterproof), and an adventuresome spirit are required. Potluck after the hike, everyone invited.
Annual Potluck, Madeline Island Wilderness Preserve
Annual Potluck
Saturday, October 7th.
Potluck Location: 3899 Amundson Lane
(715) 747-2277
All are welcome to share fall foods and friendship. Bring a dish/drink to share to the potluck, or come without if you're a visitor to the island!
If you cannot hike, please feel free to join the potluck at noon.