2013 Parade Entry: Grand Prize Winner!
Our grand-prize winner for 2013: Bees, pollinators, and colony collapse
I’m trying to stay humble, really I am.
I’ve been working on dryly reporting the facts (the 2013 MIWP float, Bees and Colony Collapse Disorder, won the Madeline Island Fourth of July parade Grand Prize. Ahem.) and all I want to do is sing (LALALALA!): we won the big one!
I never expected to win a Grand Prize even once, and now we have for the second time (thank you, carp), and I am just overwhelmed.
This is where you are supposed to thank your producer, and then your mother, but really I just want to thank Eric and Steve who spent eight thankless hours constructing a magical collapsing six foot hive, and Berit who hauled that thing up and down about 40 times over the length of the parade route.
We owe you.
The Concept announced in Spring of 2013:
For the 2013 Madeline Island Fourth of July Parade, the MIWP is turning away from our old work horse, the invasive species (I don’t know, invasive species have been awfully good to us: carp and buckthorn and ash borers, I have fond memories of all of them, artistically speaking) and moving into the equally large arena of: endangered species!
Specifically bees (both honey and wild, and maybe one rogue butterfly) in their role as pollinators supreme (see article in Education and Advocacy). Of course I have no idea what we are really doing, but I picture something like fat little bees running up and dunking pollen/tennis balls into basketball hoops. Or something like that.
We would love for you to join us, really, and since I am clueless about what we are going to wear, just come as you are and we will outfit you, attractively I’m sure. Plan to meet at the marina 30 minutes before parade time (the parade usually starts at 10:30 AM, but check with the Chamber of Commerce) under the MIWP banner.
Children and dogs who know how to make buzzing noises are welcome.