2017 Entry: Grand Sweepstakes Again! Preserve-ing for 30 Years!
/The results are in! The Madeline Island Wilderness Preserve parade entry "Preserving for 30 Years" won the Grand Sweepstakes trophy!!
Parade Preparation (From Pixie Martin via email)
Here's how you can help with and/or participate in our 4th of July Parade Entry.
Preserving For 30 Years!
Madeline Island Wilderness Preserve
2017 Parade Float
This year's theme is connected to preserving land, as MIWP has been doing for 30 years! Happy Anniversary! Happy 4th of July!!
Pre-parade help needed:
Much of the initial assembly has been completed so do not fear, you will not be recruited for the heavy lifting. However, we hope you will join us at Pixie Martin’s and Jay Erstling's cabin for some camaraderie and just a little manual labor to complete the assembly. We have tasks for all levels and interests. If you can wield a stapler, a roll of tape, a safety pin or a zip-tie, your skills will be much appreciated.
To help us, we also need a number of puns relating MIWP or the island to berries, fruit, jam, or preserves/preserving. If you have those ahead of time, mail them to jengstrom@mtu.net or bring your creative thinking cap....
We plan to start with the final touches on Monday, July 3rd at 9:00 am so we can end early and have plenty of the day left for more traditional Island fun. It shouldn't take too long—many hands make light work!
Parade participation:
As for the parade day itself, we would love to have you march with us. We have 27 costumes and a few extra roles if you don't want a full costume (banner carrier or candy distribution). If you are coming, please wear all white or khaki/brown on the bottom half (top half won't be seen). If you aren't able to wear those colors, that's OK, too. We'll take all who would like to parade with us! Please arrive down by the Marina by about 9:45 am (we'll be there 20 minutes before that) to dress the part and the parade starts at 10:30 am.
Thanks and Happy 4th of July!!
Eric and Jennifer Engstrom are hosting this year, so give a call if you have questions: 651-485-0377 (mobile, so might not answer, but leave a message).
From the 2017 Newsletter re the 2017 Parade Entry:
Less marvelous, I’m afraid, are the plans for 2017. Due to circumstances way beyond our control, there is a shake-up in parade management for this year only, and we are a little behind in planning. But I am quite sure that there will be a float, and I am very sure it will be a delightful surprise to everyone involved. Please join us; friends, relatives, children and dogs, EVERYONE is welcome. Meet at the Marina ½ hour before parade time (which typically starts at 10:30 a.m., but check with the Chamber of Commerce) under the MIWP banner. For questions or comments, call Pixie Martin at 715-747-2522 in early July.
Excellent recovery!!
From the 2018 Newsletter re the 2017 Parade Entry:
I have to admit that I wasn’t there. But I’ve seen the pictures, and I’ve heard the stories, and I know that the 2017 MIWP Fourth of July float, “Preserve-ing for Thirty Years”, was a smashing, vibrant, colorful success, a fine tribute to another big MIWP anniversary. And on top of that, the Grand Prize winner! Giant grapes carry the day! A thousand thanks to Jennifer, Eric and Pixie, whose creativity and organizational skills made it all happen, and whose enthusiasm made it worthwhile. I owe you.”