Invasive Species Management Plan and Mapping in 2013
/2013 Map of Invasive Species on Madeline Island
In 2013 MIWP and the Town of La Pointe jointly hired two invasive species interns (Ethan Rossing for 5 months, Stephen Thielking for two months). MIWP donated $10,000 outright, and $15,000 from a Wisconsin DNR grant, as well as housing for the interns and intern management.
The interns concentrated on mapping invasive species; cutting buckthorn and barberry; landowner involvement and education; and a comprehensive five year plan.
Click here to see the resulting Invasive Species Management Plan for Madeline Island in a new tab. The document includes pictures and descriptions of the invasive species, as well as background information, and a management plan for each species.
The maps for each species are included below: