Woody Invasives Update

Woody Invasives Update

By Dan Engstrom, MIWP Forest Management Committee
The Madeline Island Wilderness Preserve has been battling the spread of woody invasive plants — buckthorn, barberry, and Eurasian honeysuckle — on our Island for more than 15 years. That effort, initially carried out by volunteers and seasonal interns, took a quantum leap in 2018 when we hired Nile Merton and his company, Chequamegon Environmental LLC (formerly Bay Area Environmental Consulting) to develop a systematic, island-wide plan to control the invasion and the threat it poses to the health of our Island forests. Now in its 6th year, the program has made remarkable strides…

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The Buck(thorn) Stops Here

The Buck(thorn) Stops Here

By Victoria Erhart, 2021
Last fall, I went with several MIWP board members to tour two sites recently treated for buckthorn by Bay Area Environmental Consulting, Nile Merton and Michael Sinclair…

I was struck by how much our approach to buckthorn removal has changed since those early years when we believed we could get rid of it completely. It is always a hard, dirty business, but we now have a systematic seven-year plan, we are effective and efficient, we no longer do all that very labor-intensive cutting and hauling, and our focus is more on keeping the bad stuff from spreading than on making it go away completely.

Can I do something to help?

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Summer Interns Continue Invasives Work

Summer Interns Continue Invasives Work

For 2015, the MIWP has hired two interns, Rebecca Flesh and Brigid Reina, well trained and articulate Northland College students whose jobs are to act as a resource to island landowners; to identify problem areas; to publicize their program and availability; and to do the actual cutting and treatment. While these interns technically are employed by the Town of La Pointe, the MIWP provides their salaries in the form of grants and an outright gift of $10,000; we also provide supervision, aka the unstoppable Bonnie Matuseski, as well as lakeside housing.

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Invasive Species Management Plan and Mapping in 2013

Invasive Species Management Plan and Mapping in 2013

In 2013 MIWP and the Town of La Pointe jointly hired two invasive species interns (Ethan Rossing for 5 months, Stephen Thielking for two months). MIWP donated $10,000 outright, and $15,000 from a Wisconsin DNR grant, as well as housing for the interns and intern management.

The interns worked on mapping invasive species; cutting buckthorn and barberry; landowner involvement and education; and a five year plan.

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