New MIWP Trail Maps by Elori Kramer
/High resolution copies of the new north- and south-end trail maps can be downloaded from the MIWP website home page.
by MIWP, 2022
The Wilderness Preserve is excited to share our new trail maps with everyone. Considering a few name changes and the addition of a new trail, our trails committee thought an update was in order. We wanted our friends visiting preserve lands to be better able to locate their position and explore our trails with ease.
Cartographer Elori Kramer generously committed her time to the new maps, and we are grateful for her efforts. Elori is a board member of the Madeline Island Trails (MIT) organization. The maps include both our North End trail system and the Capser Trail on the south end, which we co-manage with the Town of La Pointe. She spent many hours creating these maps in collaboration with the trails committee. There are a few name changes to trailheads and junctions. The new maps are now less cluttered with easier to read distance markings. We also added addresses to all of our trail heads to make them easier for visitors and emergency responders to locate.
Elori said of her creation, "I have volunteered my time and energy towards this because I care deeply about the trails and want them to be improved. I'm out on the trails almost daily, year round, and they're an integral part of my physical and mental wellbeing. I hope that with these new maps, more people will have access to the trails and be able to enjoy our beautiful island and all the benefits that come with spending time in nature.”
Click to see the maps and learn more about our preserve and trails: The Preserve & Trails