Woody Invasives Update

Woody Invasives Update

By Dan Engstrom, MIWP Forest Management Committee
The Madeline Island Wilderness Preserve has been battling the spread of woody invasive plants — buckthorn, barberry, and Eurasian honeysuckle — on our Island for more than 15 years. That effort, initially carried out by volunteers and seasonal interns, took a quantum leap in 2018 when we hired Nile Merton and his company, Chequamegon Environmental LLC (formerly Bay Area Environmental Consulting) to develop a systematic, island-wide plan to control the invasion and the threat it poses to the health of our Island forests. Now in its 6th year, the program has made remarkable strides…

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Wild Madeline Project Update: Deer

Wild Madeline Project Update:  Deer

In conjunction with assessing wildlife species and populations, the Wild Madeline and APIS projects also monitor white-tailed deer behavior. This is done through an arduous tagging process that records how each deer is behaving in each photo. Our goal is to see how deer act in the presence or absence of predators like coyotes or wolves. We tag deer behavior by determining whether they have their heads up or down, if they are foraging, vigilant or interacting, and if they are staring into the camera. And this is done for each deer in every photo — that's a lot of photos! So, for this particular photo, both deer would have their head up and would be marked as “camera stares”. We don’t know what makes them stare at the camera, but it does happen from time to time.  This photo is particularly interesting because male deer are usually not seen near fawns as male deer play no role in fawn rearing. Is this fawn the offspring of the buck? Why did the doe allow this buck to get so close to the fawn? Is this just a chance encounter captured on camera? These are questions we have but will likely never know the answers to.  Photo captured July 30, 2022…

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Wild Madeline Project Update: Blue Jay

Wild Madeline Project Update:  Blue Jay

Just like their coloring, blue jays are bold little creatures. Cyanocitta cristata coloration doesn’t come from pigments, it actually comes from the internal structure of the feathers. So, if a blue jay's feather is crushed, the bright blue will be gone because the structure would be destroyed. These birds can also learn to mimic different sounds — in some cases even human speech. For example, blue jays have been known to mimic local hawks' cries, they can be so good at it that you might not even be able to tell a difference! Photo captured October 15, 2022…

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Wild Madeline Project Update: Snowshoe Hare

Wild Madeline Project Update:  Snowshoe Hare

Snowshoe hare, Lepus americanus, get their name from their large hind feet. Their hind feet act as snowshoes keeping the hare from sinking into the snow when they’re hopping around. They also have fur on the soles of their feet to protect them from freezing temperatures. Another interesting tidbit about snowshoe hare’s appearance is their camouflage coat. During the winter their fur turns white to match the snow and in the summer their coat turns a rusty brown color.  Click read more to see photos captured July 29, 2022 and April 5, 2023…

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Wild Madeline Project Update: Pileated Woodpecker

 Wild Madeline Project Update:  Pileated Woodpecker

Dryocopus pileatus, also known as a pileated woodpecker, is the largest extant (living) woodpecker in North America. We occasionally detect pileated woodpeckers on our trail cameras and when we do – it is always a special treat. Pileated woodpeckers are social animals. They form bonds with one another, and bonded pairs stay together all year. They are also defensive of their territory. To claim their territory, they perform a drumming show on a hollow log or tree trunk – or even a human structure - to project their drum and let other pileated woodpeckers know that this area is their turf. Oh, and pileated woodpeckers have extremely long tongues given their body size - approximately 3.9 inches or one third of their body length! Click read more to see photos captured August 25–27, 2022…

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Wild Madeline Project Update: Red Squirrel

Wild Madeline Project Update:  Red Squirrel

The American red squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, can often be mistaken for a bird when projecting their alarm and bark calls. Other than being loud, they are also very good swimmers! In fact, one researcher observed a red squirrel swimming in Lake Superior up to a mile away from the nearest island. It’s likely that red squirrels are able to move between the islands of the Apostle Islands archipelago by swimming and, perhaps, occasionally crossing ice bridges in winter. Photo captured August 27, 2022…

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Wild Madeline Project Update: Raccoon

Wild Madeline Project Update: Raccoon

Did you know that a raccoon can rotate their hind feet 180 degrees? This is so that they can climb down headfirst from trees. The scientific name for the common raccoon is Procyon lotor, which translates to “washer dog,” even though they are more closely related to bears. That nickname may have come about because raccoons are known to occasionally wash their food before they eat it, and if there isn’t water near, they may rub it in debris. Click READ MORE to see film clip from June 20, 2022…

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Wild Madeline Project Update: Black Bear

Wild Madeline Project Update: Black Bear

This is an example of what NOT to do when you spot a trail camera. Although, this American black bear’s curiosity is entertaining to watch. This bear could have smelled our scent from when we were there installing the cameras since their sense of smell is seven times more sensitive than a dogs! This is part of the reason why we use “bear” boxes to protect our cameras. Even with bear boxes we had one camera that was destroyed by a black bear that bit the camera and its canine teeth punctured the lens and flash – ruining the camera. Click READ MORE to see film clip from August 26, 2022…

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An Update on the Wild Madeline Revival Project

An Update on the Wild Madeline Revival Project

By Erik R Olson, Associate Professor of Natural Resources, Northland College
We have had a long winter, and mosquito season is just around the corner. Last summer our research team, myself and my two research assistants, Sydni Bennette and Bridget Stroede, set out to install camera traps for the Wild Madeline Revival Project. Despite clouds of mosquitos chasing us through the woods, high humidity, and a good thunderstorm, we were able to install all the camera traps over a two-day window. We bushwhacked, sprayed plenty of mosquito repellent, ate food around a campfire in Big Bay State Park, enjoyed a sunset on the beach, bird watched, waded through wetlands, and used a road bike and van to shuttle ourselves between sites. While checking one camera, I saw a coyote busting through marshland vegetation with a gosling in its mouth — explaining the racket of honks I had heard only moments prior. The coyote ran within 30 yards of us, mouth full of gosling. Surprised by my presence it bolted deeper into the marsh. We definitely had an adventure.

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Wild Madeline Project Update: Sandhill Crane

Wild Madeline Project Update:  Sandhill Crane

This elegant sandhill crane, Grus canadensis, may seem like a strange sight for a forest habitat, but this crane is likely one of the cranes nesting in the boggy wetlands of the Big Bay lagoon. Perhaps it was out for a stroll to find some food for dinner. If you were on the island this past summer, you probably heard their ancient rattling call from the lagoon area. Click READ MORE to see film clip from July 12, 2022…

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Wild Madeline Project Update: Juvenile Great-Horned Owl

Wild Madeline Project Update: Juvenile Great-Horned Owl

Hoot! Hello all! Here we have a juvenile Great-horned Owl, Bubo virginianus. At six weeks old, Great-horned Owls will begin to practice flying, but they'll have to wait four to six more weeks to lose their down feathers. After six months, they should fully be on their own, searching for a new territory and mate. Click READ MORE to see film clip from July 29, 2022

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Wild Madeline Project Update: Mother Bear and Cubs

Wild Madeline Project Update:  Mother Bear and Cubs

In 2020, Madeline Island Wilderness Preserve began sponsoring the Madeline Wild Project. Northland College Professor Erik Olson and Intern Sydni J Bennette are leading the research. This past June they installed 25 cameras around Madeline Island to monitor and identify wildlife. They returned in August to check the cameras and were excited to find what the cameras caught. In this clip, a mother bear, Ursus Americanus, and her cubs enjoy a sunny day on Madeline Island. June 19, 2022, 8:39am.

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Wild Madeline Project Update, July 2022: The Cameras Have Been Installed!

Wild Madeline Project Update, July 2022:  The Cameras Have Been Installed!

Despite all the bugs, thunderstorms, and hot weather, all the camera traps for the Wild Madeline project have been installed! We are delighted to announce that the cameras are up and taking photos as you read this. Professor Erik Olson of Northland College, and his research assistants, Sydni Bennette and Bridget Stroede, ventured out to Madeline Island in mid-June to install the cameras. They can’t wait to share the photos and new insights they gain with all of you!

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The Wild Madeline Project, Northland College

The Wild Madeline Project, Northland College

By Erik R Olson, Associate Professor of Natural Resources, Northland College, 2022
Just like some of the best movies, research projects often have sequels — especially when attempting to understand how things change over time. Unlike most movie sequels, those to scientific studies often provide new and valuable information … as opposed to a rehash of a well-worn story line. Thanks to a gracious donation from the Madeline Island Wilderness Preserve, the Wild Madeline Project of Northland College will be revived in 2022. The goal of the Project is to assess the wildlife community of Madeline and to examine the long-term dynamics of wildlife populations within the larger Apostle Island archipelago.

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Madeline Island Trails

Madeline Island Trails

by Marnie Sanborn Myhre, 2022
We’ve had a busy year with lots of new work accomplished on the trails in 2021/2022. The goal to make the trails more accessible to the community and visitors year round is an ongoing project, but we made a dent and will continue in our efforts.

So what are we doing in response to last year’s survey reporting that our constituents want to see attention paid to our system of trails? Here’s a list of some of this year’s accomplishments, skillfully headed up by Tom Kromroy…

We’ve also been working closely with the Madeline Island Trails (MIT) organization in the maintenance and grooming of the trails on the MIWP lands. Here’s a list of some of this year’s accomplishments by MIT….

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New MIWP Trail Maps by Elori Kramer

New MIWP Trail Maps by Elori Kramer

by MIWP, 2022
The Wilderness Preserve is excited to share our new trail maps with everyone. Considering a few name changes and the addition of a new trail, our trails committee thought an update was in order. We wanted our friends visiting preserve lands to be better able to locate their position and explore our trails with ease.

Cartographer Elori Kramer generously committed her time to the new maps, and we are grateful for her efforts.

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The Buck(thorn) Stops Here

The Buck(thorn) Stops Here

By Victoria Erhart, 2021
Last fall, I went with several MIWP board members to tour two sites recently treated for buckthorn by Bay Area Environmental Consulting, Nile Merton and Michael Sinclair…

I was struck by how much our approach to buckthorn removal has changed since those early years when we believed we could get rid of it completely. It is always a hard, dirty business, but we now have a systematic seven-year plan, we are effective and efficient, we no longer do all that very labor-intensive cutting and hauling, and our focus is more on keeping the bad stuff from spreading than on making it go away completely.

Can I do something to help?

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